Coaching en Marbella Luisa Rojano

Coaching in Marbella

Además de ser Psicóloga, tengo amplia formación en Coaching, algo cada vez más demandado por los clientes. La mayoría de las veces, y para una mayor eficacia, se va complementando un área con otra, según el caso, y según los objetivos que queramos conseguir.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a personalised training and through this process we will go from your current situation to your desired situation, helping us with the appropriate techniques, we will achieve all the proposed objectives. I will be here to guide you, motivate you, mobilise you, accompany you…we will be a team, and we will make the most of your abilities. We will make changes, and you will undoubtedly have a personal or professional growth, until you achieve your satisfaction in this moment of your life.






“We choose the desired objectives.”

“Plan to achieve your Objectives.”

“Achievement of your Goals.”

Coaching in Marbella - Luisa Rojano

Personal Coaching or Life Coaching

We will find your well-being in the different facets of your life. Sometimes you yourself know what you want to improve, and sometimes you just don’t feel satisfied at all, and I will be the one who will guide you after getting to know you.

Emotional Coaching

We will achieve your peace of mind, from the management of thoughts we will reach an emotional state of peace.

Business Coaching

Trabajaremos de lleno en tu empresa o negocio, desde la organización del tiempo a las relaciones entre tus trabajadores, pasando por la satisfacción de los clientes.

Coaching for Entrepreneurs

I will help you to undertake your new idea, to bring to reality what you have in mind. Organizing the mind, we will be able to shape the project until you achieve your personal satisfaction.

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Nutritional Coaching

We will take the reins of your food and health. We will start from a base, and we will reach your desired goal; taking into account all the obstacles that could bother us.

Student Coaching

We will make a personalized plan to obtain expected results, taking into account motivation, time management, concentration and any obstacle that may arise in each case.

Family Coaching

We will achieve a family climate of peace and understanding among all family members, seeing those obstacles that make it difficult for us to have a completely healthy relationship.

Get your appointment

Indicate your contact information and I will answer you as soon as possible. Remember that we can also talk by phone or WhatsApp.


    CALL OR TEXT US ON +34 674 493 946